Dhyani mudra
Gesture of meditation-of contemplation
Place both hands like bowls in your lap. The left hand lies in the right hand and the thumbs touch each other.
This is the classical meditation pose, and I assume it whenever I meditate without any special intentions. When I simply sit and observe my breath, I am completely passive and let the divine force act within me and for me. I know that the Divine wants only the best for me and helps me at any time and place if I allow it. "Your will be done," is an expression of most heartfelt joy.
The two hands formed into a bowl show that we are inwardly free, pure, and empty in order to receive everything that we need on our spiritual path. Since there is no empty space in the universe (everything that appears "empty" to us is full of subtle energy), this void will become filled with new energy-our thoughts and feelings determine the quality. This is why it is so important to have done the work of forgiveness beforehand and live in peace with all beings.
It is also like a silent cooperation with your best friend. You no longer need to tell each other anything-you are content because you know that everything important has already been said. You feel the connection, and that is enough.
In classical meditation, emptiness is brought to mind with this mudra, meaning you think of nothing at all. This is very difficult; consenuently, there is also a second version. Here the attention is directed at breathing-all the senses are focused on the breath. This is more likely to work, yet there may still be difficulties with it. If your thoughts stray too often from your breathing, or if you feel the smallest tendency toward negative brooding . . .
. . . then imagine a symbol for the Divine (a light, triangle, wheel, flower, stone, etc.) in front of you. It should be an anchor that connects you with the Divine.
Thy will be done.