Mushti mudra
Bend your fingers inward and place your thumbs over the ring fingers. Do this with each hand.
Do as needed, or three times a day for 15 minutes.
The Mushti Mudra activates the liver and stomach energy, promotes digestion, and helps cure constipation.
When we show someone our fist, the other person understands this gesture and will react with fear, flight, or counterattack. But this will hardly solve the problem. Unfortunately, this is why aggression has become so disreputable, and many people suppress it to the extent that they hardly even perceive it around them. Immediately living out every aggression in a wild way certainly isn't good either, but neither is suppressing it. We can reduce aggression to a large extent when we find out its cause. There is blind fury and righteous anger-but there are worlds between them. The cause of many physical complaints, such as a weak liver, problems with digestion or constipation, tension, heart complaints, etc., are related to suppressed or uncontrolled aggression. Most aggression is based on not being able to say "no," not being able to set boundaries, letting oneself be driven into a corner, etc. The basic evil is fear.
When aggression arises, it should be let out in the foreseeable future. Make vigorous fists and punch pillows with them, jog, stomp, dance, or even clean the house! Then look for the cause of the aggression and develop a strategy as to how its trigger can be eliminated. Many problems can be cleared up by discussing them.
Herbal remedy
The herb against stress, which has been scientifically proved, is taiga root (Eleutherococcus senticosus Maximowicz).
Imagine scenes in which you behave too fearfully or too aggressively. Now change the scenes to how you would like them to be. For example, you can practice how to say "no" or how you act toward a boss, your partner, or your parents. But just saying "no" doesn't achieve all that much: mentally work out sensible suggestions for solutions. Whether in planning the weekend or restructuring work, you can train your clear powers of imagination and awaken your fantasy in this respect. Your life will soon be more colorful and richer.
I am quiet and serene in every situation.