Kubera mudra
Dedicated to the god of wealth, Kubera
Place the tip of your thumb, index finger, and middle finger together. Bend the other two fingers so they rest in the middle of your hand. Do this with each hand.
The Kubera Mudra can be used for a great variety of concerns. It doesn't matter how long it is practiced, but it does matter that you do it with intensity. Many people already know it as the "Three Finger Technique" from Alpha Training12 and use it when they are looking for something specific-a free parking space, a certain dress, the right book, the necessary information, etc. Others use it when they want to put more force behind their plans for the future. It always involves goals that people want to reach, or wishes that they would like to have fulfilled. With the three closed fingers, additional strength is given to the matter and/or thought. It is obvious that something happens when the fingers of Mars (forcefulness), Jupiter (resplendence, exuberant joy), and Saturn (fixation on the essential and passing through new gateways) join forces. Putting this mudra to specific use in everyday life is quite fun. It also gives us inner repose, confidence, and serenity.
The practice is simple. In your mind, formulate your wish or goal very clearly into words. Ask your heart whether this is good for you and whether it enriches your surrounding world. Now place the three fingers together, phrase your wish in a positive way as you say it out loud three times. Press your fingers together while you do this. Done! If this concerns a parking spot or a new dress, then the mental preparation isn't as important; otherwise, there are no shortcuts. The following meditation and the affirmation should be done one to two times daily for several days or weeks. This mudra can work wonders, and I'm speaking from my own experience here.
The Kubera Mudra opens and decongests (cleanses) the frontal sinuses, especially if you draw the air upward while inhaling, as if you wanted to smell the fragrance of a flower.
Visualize your goal, your future, or your special wish, in all its colors. At the same time, develop the feeling as if it already were reality. The thought is the procreative power, the father; the feeling is the form-giving power, the mother. Just like large plants need longer to achieve their full bloom, the same applies to our goals and wishes. It is also obvious that we must make our own contribution to this process.
I give my best, and I let the rest be given to me.