Мудра - это особое положение пальцев рук в соответствии с определенными правилами.
Мудра, в переводе с санскрита, означает "дарующий радость", другой вариант перевода - "печать".
История возникновения мудр доподлинно неизвестна.
Знания о мудрах идут из глубины веков и всегда использовались в йогических и духовных практиках, как доступный способ исцеления тела, достижения особого состояния сознания и решения проблем психологического и эмоционального характера.
Мудра - простой и доступный способ помочь себе.

Five Elements
As we know our universe is made up of five major elements. On the basis of this theory, our body is also made up of five major elements i.e Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jal), Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), and Space (Akash).
So these five elements in our body will be nurtured on the basis of our lifestyle like food, sleep, etc. But according to the lifestyle of today, there is a lack or excess of these elements in our body (like acidity which is excess of Vayu Tatwa). This situation creates disbalance in our body which are an invitation to many diseases. So in order to live a healthy life it is important to maintain a balance between these elements.
Which Element Is Related To Which Finger
Little Finger (Kanishtha) – Jal Tattva (Water Element)
Ring Finger (Anamika) – Prithvi Tattva (Earth Element)
Middle Finger (Madhyama) – Akash Tattva (Sky/Space Element)
Index Finger (Tarzana) – Vayu Tattva (Air Element)
Thumb (Angutha) – Agni Tattva (Fire Element)
As we know our universe is made up of five major elements. On the basis of this theory, our body is also made up of five major elements i.e Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jal), Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), and Space (Akash).
So these five elements in our body will be nurtured on the basis of our lifestyle like food, sleep, etc. But according to the lifestyle of today, there is a lack or excess of these elements in our body (like acidity which is excess of Vayu Tatwa). This situation creates disbalance in our body which are an invitation to many diseases. So in order to live a healthy life it is important to maintain a balance between these elements.
Which Element Is Related To Which Finger
Little Finger (Kanishtha) – Jal Tattva (Water Element)
Ring Finger (Anamika) – Prithvi Tattva (Earth Element)
Middle Finger (Madhyama) – Akash Tattva (Sky/Space Element)
Index Finger (Tarzana) – Vayu Tattva (Air Element)
Thumb (Angutha) – Agni Tattva (Fire Element)